The journal LAND has a special issue on”Livelihood and Landscape Change in Africa: Future Trajectories for Improved Well-Being under a Changing Climate” edited by Sheona Shackleton and several other co-editors.
Some of the questions this Special Issue will be focusing on are: What are the changes we are observing in landscapes and livelihoods in rural Africa? What are the multiple, interacting socio-economic, political and environmental drivers of these changes? How are these changes impacting well-being amongst different social groupings within rural communities? What are the responses to these changes and what do they mean for future livelihood trajectories? Where responses are potentially maladaptive, what transformations are needed to set livelihoods on more sustainable trajectories give the uncertainty associated with climate change? Where have there been success stories and what are the lessons from these?
Authors are encouraged to submit their abstract as soon as possible before 31 August 2017 deadline.
Have a look at the link below for more details.