Spier Estate | Stellenbosch | South Africa 3 – 5 November 2015 |
CALL FOR SESSIONSDeadline extended to 25 May 2015 |
PECS 2015 will gather scientists from various disciplines, from within and beyond the PECS network, to share cutting-edge research insights on social-ecological dynamics in the Anthropocene. In a move to make the conference program as vibrant as possible, and to allow for innovative ideas and new collaborations to emerge we are welcoming submissions for different session types. Each session submission will be organised and managed by its own convener or committee, who are also responsible for working with presenters in the session. The number of slots available for submitted sessions is limited.
1. Three types of sessions are available, as described below: 2. Topic-contributed speed talk sessions (Length: 30 or 60 minutes): A topic-contributed speed talk session is organised around a common topic, relevant to one of the conference themes. The session typically consists of 6-8 oral presentations of 5 minutes each, with a 20-30 minute discussion after the talks. The conveners can organise discussions creatively. 3. Innovative sessions (Length 60 or 120 minutes): This category includes proposals for non-traditional sessions, such as panels, round-tables (which can include policy-makers, academics, non-governmental organisations, etc.) and short speed-workshops.
For more information go to https://www.pecs2015.org/2-call-for-sessions.html