STEPS Centre Summer School 2016

16-27 May 2016 at the Institute of Development Studies in Brighton, UK

The STEPS Centre Summer School aims to bring together an exceptional group of people who are exploring ideas and research methodologies for pathways to sustainability. Through a mix of lectures, walks, discussions and public events, participants will challenge the STEPS team and each other on questions of science, society and development.

Who should apply?

Applications are invited from highly-motivated doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, working in fields around development studies, science and technology studies, innovation and policy studies, and across agricultural, health, water or energy issues. There is a premium on interdisciplinary approaches and on interests and orientations that converge with the work of the STEPS Centre.

Numbers are limited, so recruitment will be by refereed selection. Participants will be required to pay a fee of GBP750.00, but a number of scholarships are available to applicants from non-OECD countries of birth.

To find out more about the course, visit the STEPS Summer School webpage: