Multi-platform International Summer School on Agent-Based Modelling & Simulation for Renewable Resources Management Montpellier (France)

17-28 August 2015

Content: This summer school is about learning the different skills required for building agent-based models for renewable resources management. It is oriented towards a participatory use of models and simulation and participants will be asked to work in small groups. During the morning sessions, the principles, methods and technics of the design, implementation and exploration stages will be collectively taught. Specific points will be addressed according to the expectations and demands of the participants. The afternoon sessions will be devoted to personal applications: the trainers will support the groups in designing, implementing and fine-tuning their own agent-based model.

Tools: Specific time slots will be allocated to teach the graphical language UML as well as to introduce the generic platforms Cormas, Gama and NetLogo by demonstrating the same benchmark model. Participants will get a chance to get a hand on each platform and then they will have to choose one to develop their model.

Scientific committee: Géraldine Abrami, Bruno Bonté (Irstea), Pierre Bommel, François Bousquet, Jean-Pierre Müller, Christophe Le Page (CIRAD), Patrick Taillandier (Univ. Rouen), Benoit Gaudou (Univ. Toulouse), Nicolas Becu (CNRS).

Who can apply?: The summer school is open to students, post-docs, researchers and practitioners. It is better to have a small experience in coding. We will propose distant introduction and practice of coding for those with no experience.

Application deadline: June 15, 2015


Fees: For students: 650 € For others: 1250 €

These registration fees include lunch & coffee/tea during the day and a social dinner. Accommodation, dinner and travel costs are not included.

For any further information, please contact the organizers : miss-abms_organizers@commod.org