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So far Nic Black has created 31 blog entries.

ACDI Postdoctoral Research Fellowship – Forecasting the timing of climate change risks to biodiversity to strengthen conservation decision- making in Africa Application Deadline: 29 January 2020 or until position is filled

ACDI Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Forecasting the timing of climate change risks to biodiversity to strengthen conservation decision-making in Africa Application Deadline: 29 January 2020 or until position is filled. Call for Applications A joint research team from the African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) at the University of Cape Town; University College London; and South African National Parks is seeking two Postdoctoral Research Fellows (PDRFs) to join a project on climate change risks to biodiversity. PDRFs will be highly motivated to work as part of an interdisciplinary research team, grow their research expertise, engage with conservation decision-makers and generate peer-reviewed [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:35+02:00January 14th, 2020|Related News & Events|

Call for applications: Masters bursaries for 2020 – Agricultural trade networks, ecosystem services and human well-being, regime shifts

Call for applications: Masters bursaries for 2020 Agricultural trade networks, ecosystem services and human well-being, regime shifts Deadline for applications: 25 January 2020 Introduction A Masters bursary focusing on one of several potential topics is available for 2020, based at the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST) at Stellenbosch University. The CST (http://www.sun.ac.za/cst/) builds on a strong history of transdisciplinary research and complexity studies and hosts leading scientists and students from diverse disciplinary backgrounds, providing a vibrant hub for solution-oriented, transdisciplinary, sustainability science. The primary objective of the CST is to provide transformational knowledge on the dynamics of multi-scale [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00January 14th, 2020|SAPECS News|

Call for applications: Masters and PhD bursaries for 2020 – Seeds of Good Anthropocenes Initiative

Call for applications: Masters and PhD bursaries for 2020 Seeds of Good Anthropocenes Initiative: Building sustainable, just and resilient futures in southern Africa Deadline for applications: 20 January 2020 Project background It is increasingly apparent that a fundamental reorganization of our societies is necessary to achieve a just society for all, while maintaining the environmental conditions that underlie human prosperity. As highlighted by major global initiatives such as Future Earth (https://futureearth.org/), escalating global challenges such as climate change, food and water security, biodiversity loss, socio‐political conflict and economic volatility, demand new approaches to researching and governing our environment and societies. [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00January 14th, 2020|SAPECS News|

Call for applications: Masters and PhD bursaries for 2020

Seeds of Good Anthropocenes Initiative: Building sustainable, just and resilient futures in southern Africa Deadline for applications: 15 January 2020 Project background It is increasingly apparent that a fundamental reorganization of our societies is necessary to achieve a just society for all, while maintaining the environmental conditions that underlie human prosperity. As highlighted by major global initiatives such as Future Earth (https://futureearth.org/), escalating global challenges such as climate change, food and water security, biodiversity loss, socio‐political conflict and economic volatility, demand new approaches to researching and governing our environment and societies. It has become critical to recognize the complex inter‐relationships [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00December 15th, 2019|SAPECS News|

PhD scholarship on environmental justice aspects in nature conservation in an African context

PhD scholarship on environmental justice aspects in nature conservation in an African context (case studies in Tanzania and Zambia)? The call can be found here: https://www.leuphana.de/news/jobs-und-karriere/stipendien.html. Application deadline is already the 8th of December. Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty of Lüne­burg, foun­da­ti­on un­der pu­blic law, fos­ters the de­ve­lop­ment of ju­ni­or sci­en­ti­fic staff. The­re­fo­re, the uni­ver­si­ty of­fers one doc­to­ral scho­lar­ship fun­ded by the Ro­bert Bosch foun­da­ti­on in the field of Sustaina­bi­li­ty Sci­ence with a fo­cus on En­vi­ron­men­tal Jus­ti­ce at the fa­cul­ty of Sustaina­bi­li­ty Sci­ence, star­ting in April 2020 for the sum­mer term 2020. The in­vi­ta­ti­on to ap­p­ly for a scho­lar­ship is tar­ge­ted at ex­tra­or­di­na­ri­ly qua­li­fied young [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00December 3rd, 2019|Related News & Events|

VACANCY: POST DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW Climate Resilient Development Pathways in Semi-Arid Regions

VACANCY: POST DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW Climate Resilient Development Pathways in Semi-Arid Regions Closing Date: 16 Dec 2019 The African Climate and Development Initiative (ACDI) wishes to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (PDRF) on the project, Climate Resilient Development Pathways in Semi-Arid Regions. The PDRF will work with an international team of scientists who were part of the CARIAA (Collaborative Adaptation Research in African and Asia) research programme, to i) Synthesize a set of forward-looking findings from ASSAR, PRISE and other related projects (such as the FCFA-funded projects, FRACTAL and AMMA-2050) concerning the risks and opportunities for development in SARs; ii) [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00December 2nd, 2019|Related News & Events, SAPECS News|

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: Two MSc opportunities at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Centre for Water Resources Research (2020 – 2021)

Towards sustainable and equitable management of water resources: Understanding the interlinkages between water, ecosystems and society through spatial mapping of ecosystem services and livelihood benefits.

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00December 2nd, 2019|Related News & Events, SAPECS News|

Call for Applications: Mentoring and Training Program in IPCC Processes for Early Career Mountain Researchers

Background  The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the scientific evidence on climate change. The IPCC regularly produces reports that assess the state of knowledge and science. The IPCC has three Working Groups (WG): WG I on the physical science basis; WG II on impacts, adaptation and vulnerability; and WG III on mitigation of climate change. Currently, the IPCC is in its 6th Assessment Cycle (AR6), and the 6th Assessment Reports (AR6) of the three WG’s will be published in 2021, and the Synthesis Report across the three WG’s in 2022. [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00April 10th, 2019|Related News & Events|

SAPECS winter school in social-ecological systems

15 – 19 JULY 2019, Stellenbosch, South Africa  The Southern African Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (SAPECS) invites Masters’ and PhD students doing research at the interface of ecosystems and society to attend an introductory course on social-ecological systems, to be hosted by the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition (CST) at Stellenbosch University. The field of social-ecological systems aims to support responses to the challenges of global environmental and societal change, particularly in terms of supporting improved environmental stewardship and addressing pressing challenges of poverty and inequality. Students and researchers who are studying these issues [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00April 8th, 2019|SAPECS News|

Post-Doctoral Opportunity: Ecological applications of high resolution and large-scale woody cover datasets

Applications are invited for a Post-doctoral researcher to undertake research on the drivers of woody encroachment and the impacts on ecological functioning and ecosystem services, through combining broad-scale remotely sensed products, environmental GIS, field, and citizen science bird atlas datasets. The successful applicant will be registered at the University of the Witwatersrand and assume research within the School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Science (APES) in collaboration with researchers from the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and University of Stellenbosch (and others). The successful applicant will work closely with Drs Nicola Stevens, Jolene Fisher and Chevonne [...]

2024-06-19T13:54:36+02:00April 1st, 2019|Related News & Events|
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